By Andrew - 02/01/2014 23:49 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I sent a message on Facebook to a girl I really like. She replied, "..." It took me three hours to realize she'd actually written it. I thought it was just Facebook telling me she was typing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 107
You deserved it 8 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments


"..." Can also mean that she doesn't know how to respond. Maybe she like you back. But she doesn't have the courage to say it.

uhnevermind 24

How did you not notice it was regular text and not 5 times the size, and within a huge blue bubble? They're very clearly distinguishable. YDI.

The awkward silence message, almost as bad as getting a sometimes number and finding out it's the rejection hotline when you call it

If she's that rude, you don't wanna mess with her in the first place. Plenty of fish in the sea buddy.

I wouldn't think of that as a good response from her in the first place honestly.