By Andrew - 02/01/2014 23:49 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I sent a message on Facebook to a girl I really like. She replied, "..." It took me three hours to realize she'd actually written it. I thought it was just Facebook telling me she was typing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 107
You deserved it 8 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments


AngelLovesDerby 10

Maybe it's for the best homie, you don't need her...

Goblin182 26

YDI, grow a pair, next time you want to let woman know you like her do it in person. And when you decide to break up with her, use hte same pair and do that in person also.

JMichael 25

I hate when someone replies with that. Too lazy to type out an actually ******* answer.

Still better than the time I wrote hi to a girl and received the response "piss off"...

So did you tell her you liked her in your message? Did you say something inane and she didn't know how to respond? The FML doesn't really specify.

Texting or another form of contact might work better...