By me - 04/11/2011 04:38 - United States

Today, I sent my grandma a naked picture instead of my girlfriend. While attempting to delete it, I sent it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 717
You deserved it 54 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zakkyzebra 11

Better than receiving a naked picture of your grandma x.x


maybe you will get lucky and get one back!

And the moral of the story is......?

lucyinthesky420 10

Your poor grandmother. Lmfao.

love91320 0

wait shouldn't your gf be sending pics?

wriptidez 0

never ever take nude pics somehow thw pixs always land in the wrong hands

Smartdumbblonde 27

His face duh (sarcasm) What do you think? It's a guy sending naked pictures