By sayno2mermaids - 04/08/2016 02:08 - United States - Denver

Today, I set my beer on the windowsill while I made space for it on the table. Suddenly, the wind knocked the window open. Into my beer. Into a box of expensive electronics. It was the last beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 295
You deserved it 3 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sound more upset about the beer then the expensive electronics

The beer is your first priority, when you spilled it all over electronics that you specified as expensive?


We should have a beer delivery service, a multimillion dollar idea right there

beeriah17 14

I'm just sitting here trying to figure out what kind of window this would be. all the windows I can think of open outwards.. this is going to bother me all night.

I live in an old building with big windows that (annoyingly) open inward on hinges like a door.

I have an inner one has netting that opens inwards, the outer is glass and opens outwards. Yup, annoying - but you cant afford to nitpick when you rent, sadly.

I don't think I have ever seen a window that doesn't open inwards? (at least in a normal house). Is this a US thing again? (the outwards windows I mean)

I am in the US, the inward opening windows are pretty uncommon here. Think about it. when your windows open inward you can't keep anything on the windowsill permanently, permenantly, can't have window gardens, and generally can't keep anything above window height within a foot or 2 of your window. when they open out or up, they are taking up space that usually isn't used anyway

Thanks for the answer! Yes, I absolutely get what you're saying. It's just not what I'm used to. In Europe 99% of all windows open like this: www (dot) wascowindows (dot) com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/DSC00483.jpg (they're even advertised as "european windows" on that website :P)

This is a straight YDI for being careless. I always take care not to have any liquids within reaching distance of electronics, and also not to carry hot tea over my dog. Just in case, you know.

Oh definitely, but in my defense the box wasn't even close to the window, that poor little can caught some serious air. RIP

kayev 3

Alcohol abuse....poor little beer

The fact that it was the last beer just added insult to injury, the frantic scrambling dance I did to drain and dry off the stuff in the box definitely came first, haha. The window showed no remorse.

As long as none of the electronics were not plugged in, and none of them were on. They should be fine, but you need to clean them, and DO NOT turn them on while they are wet. Set them in uncooked rice to draw out the moisture.

You sound like an alcoholic when you're more worried about the last beer than the potentially ruined electronics. It's cheaper to replace the beer.

Pretty sure he just meant some more alchohol would help to alleviate the stress caused by the spillage.

Oh my god!! Was it the last beer?? I... I'm so sorry, OP... that's awfull... no beer...