By hairybetty - 05/01/2010 01:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada
By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester
By bigmistake - 24/12/2011 03:22 - United States
Tree trunks
By AloneAtPerkins - 18/11/2020 13:02 - United States - West Bend
By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 19:39 - United States
By kam3221 - 01/05/2009 04:33 - United States
Sliced and diced
By Anonymous - 18/04/2023 18:00
By ToddesPizza - 20/08/2015 01:00 - United States - Coos Bay
By Buggga - 22/08/2009 09:07 - Australia
By Mustache - 03/11/2020 14:02 - Austria
Top comments
ever think the fact that u don't have a date is because u don't shave
You people have no idea if she actually needs to shave that often. Some people actually don't need to shave every other day because they naturally aren't that hairy. Keep your judgement to yourself, please.
******* NASTY! WTF! No wonder why you don't get hot dates....! _______________________________
i really hate how you put a ******* myspace link on every post. ******* quit it you ****
Hang on a second. No =) ____________________________
im not threatening you in any way just reminding you of what a **** you look like in hope you'll stop
It's a nice try, but still no. ___________________________
Starchild, no one wants to talk to someone who appears desperate. While calling you names does not help you wish to remove the link to your myspace, it is annoying because this is not a place to advertise/get dates/be an attention *****--but those might be your joys in life. This is a site dedicated to commenting on the pain of other people. By putting your myspace on there, you are living up to the expectation that you are somehow so amazing that we would want to contact you instantly. I suggest putting the link to your myspace on your profile where it will not infuriate people. Not to say I am infuriated. I just don't like people assuming their opinions are so amazing that people will instantly click their myspace. Myspace causes viruses, so you are pretty much acting like a *****, instant gratification, not making us work for it, and giving us viruses. Try to be classy and leave it on your profile, allowing people to choose to click your picture and find out about you.
uhh yeah same here :-) shame on you haha
wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!
Not everyone does. Chill, girl.
Uhm, you didn't mention shaving...down there....did you? Because if you didn't, by the way you never shave, it must've been crazy down there.
Probably still is hairy as hell. Ugh so ******* disgusting. ___________________________
Retard Spazz alert!
Lolol settle down there Rambo
What hot date ? You wont even get a roadside homeless fellow. You are a dirty bitch ! UGH !
Do not think yeti thoughts. Do not think yeti thoughts. Do not think yeti thoughts... Damnit.
I was thinking Harry and the Hendersons. Do I win?

Well I maybe know the reason why you don't have a hot date.
wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!