By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada

Today, I shaved my legs and pits for the first time this summer. It took 3 disposable razors and an hour to get the job done. I've clearly been single for far too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 871
You deserved it 47 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi if you think being in a relationship is the only reason you should keep up with yourself.

Well if you don't have one of those buzz cut razors to work it off with then get scissors out and trim it down. It will take a lot less time with the disposable razor if you do it that way first..and from now on you need to shave more often..because that's just disgusting!


Wow. I'm grossed out after not shaving for three days. But damn.!!!! Thats ******* gross

Disposable razors don't work at the best of times. Take my advice and buy men's razors, they work brilliantly and last for months with near to the same sharpness you bought them for. Women's, on the other hand, last for a week.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Being single shoudn't effect your hygine OP. Maybe THAT is why you're still single.

That's just disgusting and gross.. Ur hygiene needs improving... I hope u brush your teeth on a daily basis ;-/

I'd like to know how many of these "you-should-take-better-care-of-your-hygiene"-clowns are men who do shave their legs and armpits. Those hairs have nothing to do with concept of personal hygiene, otherwise men would be also culturally expected to shave their legs and armpits. And the reason for pubes is actually hygienic - they are there to stop dirt getting into your private parts. Idiots like these make me wanna stop shaving just as a statement.

sugarbear0727 19

Its a personal choice. Sometimes I forget to shave my pits. I'm taken, amd even though leg hair grosses my boyfriend out, I only shave my legs like once every few weeks. I shave my armpits at least twice a week. And as long as you wash your body, being unshaven is not unhygienic.

How bad are you at shaving and how crappy are your razors if it took you an hour???