By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada

Today, I shaved my legs and pits for the first time this summer. It took 3 disposable razors and an hour to get the job done. I've clearly been single for far too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 871
You deserved it 47 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi if you think being in a relationship is the only reason you should keep up with yourself.

Well if you don't have one of those buzz cut razors to work it off with then get scissors out and trim it down. It will take a lot less time with the disposable razor if you do it that way first..and from now on you need to shave more often..because that's just disgusting!


Clutzs 5

gurlllll plzzz COME ON THATS NASTY!

cinnomonroll 0

that's not human. since you're single that gives u extra time to shave more often!

break out the weed-eaters people. this work I gonna get dirty.

LittleMissBroken 11

that is disgusting, just because you aren't dating anyone doesn't mean you should let yourself go, no wonder no one will date you. YDI.

WTSchool 0

Since when does being single have anything to do with shaving and not shaving? I'm single and I shave every day.