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By Candy - 20/05/2010 12:37 - United States

Today, my mom bought me some expensive Japanese candy. I opened it, and saw that each chewy candy was wrapped in a thin, hard to peel off wrapper. After trying to get each wrapper off, I determined they were unopen-able and threw them away. I then read the box, saying the wrappers were edible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 358
You deserved it 56 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your mom popped you in the head for throwing away that expensive candy.


ashylarry102 0

it's called rice candy u dipshit

hahahhahahahhagagaghahahahahhaa u fail japan candy is the bomb diggity yo

Tikwichka 5

#1 is right. Such a waste 

He clearly stated that he did infact read the box ex-post-facto.

If your life is fked over candy... you need a priority check...

TaterSalad187 5

lol. OP, you fail at life. you should really always read the boxes so you know what you're eating considering that it is foreign.

so you just throw away the candy, and save the wrapper???

Rofl! Your life sucks because you threw away candy?? Let me teach you a lesson in life, son. Candy should have stopped being your best friend when you were about 5. Lol :)

rohosoccer08 1

those candies are alright, but I don't really like them

that rice candy isnt that really expensive anyway...or good but still...FYL read before you eat..

jrojas211 0

I say just stay with the fortunecookies.......

27: Er...Fortune cookies are Chinese, and cookies, not candy.

to all those ppl who are saying op's life isn't fecked over candy; shut up this is a humour website, your parents shouldn't have to die just to get a post on it

squirell_AIDS69 0

YDI why would a company make unopenable candy? OP is a dumbass

er 34 fortune cookies aren't even really Chinese they are some bullshit Americans came up with thinking it was cute. Confuscious say foolish man give wife grand piano for birthday. wise man give upright organ

iSitt 0

maybe he couldn't read the box since it's from japan...

54: Hahaha, true true. I just meant that fortune cookies are associated with chinese food, as opposed to japanese.

Botan Rice Candy It's about a dollar (USD) per box. it's rice paper covering a chewy citrus flavored candy. Confucious also say:"Virginity like bubble, one prick... all gone!"

jisaac09 25

Actually, to the person who said to stick with fortune cookies was closer to being right.... The american fortune cookie is based on an japanese recipe and made in the US first by japanese emigrants....

dude! was it white rabbit?! best candy ever.

76: Huh, never knew that. You learn something new every day. Gotta love America, where there's such a melding of cultures, you wouldn't know the difference between each individual one sometimes.

sharpl916 0

Japanese candy! manufactured in Chinese, by Chinese slaves :D

Classical Japanese candy is not tasty, no cream no salt, sugar only. 想像以上にまずい。<= unimaginable plain.

white rabbit= Chinese candy. Made in Shanghai

KiddNYC1O 20

57- op said read the box...

Wait, so this guy didn't know what rice paper is? And who would throw away the sweets but keep the box for reference? :/

wow op.... how didn't you know that all Asian candy is wrapped in eddible wrapping, so Godzilla can't smell it, and track it to unsuspecting candy lovers, duh

jerseystreetking 0

way to use the word "determined" correctly in that sentence. quick question what does determined mean genius?

I'm just trying to get this near the top. Anyways, the candy he's preferring to is probably called "White Rabbit" candy. It's very easy to over look the labels in all when most of the writing is in a different language. I used to think the same way as a kid. Don't tell people they're stupid for not "reading the label" if it was mostly in a different language. You'd be a hypocrite if you never did that yourself.

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

fail. but no biggy there like 50 cents lol

phreshboi 1

guys it's possible the candy intructions were in Japanese, but even then wow. and really ur life is ****** over candy,... u r one sadd child

what are you? a mcdonalds fanantic?

Notjustanother1 0

14 thank you for that comment

ilikeyouuu 0

um... OP, you are retarded. Rice candy is not expensive. At all.

M4V3R1CKR13 0

ok this has to be fake no one can be that stupid to throw away JAPAN Candy FAKE AND H0M0 S3XUaL

the wrappers on Stride gum are edible as well

yeah, plus if it was THAT hard... I would have used my mouth, and been like OHHH

pu13 5

ur an idiot op. If it was a white rabiit that would suck I love those. but as someone else pointed out those aren't from japan so ...

you should have given them to me!!!! I love those!!!!!

If all else fails, read the instructions.

ey 54 actually fortune cookies were invented by a japanese immigrant in San Francisco in the 1910s and that bull shit you're talking about was actually chinese restaurants thinking it was a good way to get customers by giving something that would have appeared exotic to them. Americans had nothing to do with it jackass AND it was modeled after the japanese tsujiura senbei cracker with a fortune in it sold at new years at temples in some cities. furhermore, they are sold in china and called "american fortune cookies" for the same cultural exoticness that they were meant to have in their early days in america so, the chinese are the supreme bull shitters in this case. are you chinese? cause you kinda look like it, if so don't get all defensive like a ****** and stop hatin on america the land of the ****** free (I did a report recently about influence of immigrants on american culture and food btw)

Spamakaze 0

YDI read the label next time...

Kurg 0

oooooh those ones XD I don't really like them, but I love the fact that you can eat the wrappers. tastes like rice..

holygodthatshars 0

ive had those candies many times, are they orange ish colour with rice edible wrapper? mine did and they came in a box with a cat on it. they're good, :D

I wonder if japanese try to peel the chocolate off M&Ms like wrappers.

LOL... should have notice the label first... what a waste:(((

"Well, I can't open this. There must be an unexplainable reason to this and the only solution is throwing this out."

Hahaha, now you must pay! No candy...

Krajjan 9

Wait. You failed to open it so you threw it away? God, I love morons. You guys always manage to keep me entertained. YDI for willful destruction of candy.

agreensmile28 0

Retarded* Wow. Out of three words, you managed to misspell two of them.

Not to mention the punctuation, christ!

Is isn't. OP clearly just said that to garner more sympathy. I can tell you from eating these particular candy with a rice paper wrapping for upwards of 15 years, they cost less than a dollar per package.

miyaviichan 27

Lol you know the exact brand OP was talking about? Amazing.

eazyeeze 0

There are starving people out there and you throw away good food because you're too ignorant to read the box

I hope your mom popped you in the head for throwing away that expensive candy.