By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester

Today, I shaved my legs for the first time in three weeks. It took half an hour, three disposable razors, and I cut my legs up so badly they look worse then they did when they were hairy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 972
You deserved it 32 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a Schick Quattro for women. Disposable razors are garbage.

insertnameherr 11

Wow.... that was..... way too much information I was expecting.


varkey 7

I'm a 26 year old guy who completely shaved my legs just for fun for the first time in my life... it took a lot of time but only one razor. And I hardly cut myself. Wtf are you doing?

kelcijade 0

The ****? Who goes 3 weeks without shaving.. Grosssss you deserved it

jennifernorvell 7

Don't use disposable razors

LittleAngel12 5

Really cause I gone 3 weeks without shaving and I don't get a lot of hair left

Shrouds 14

shoulda just brushed ur feet against the lawn mower.

Im so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't shave...i hate it!

I highly doubt it was an hour and a half. I have gone a month due to "saving up" to attempt at waxing but then chickened out, and it MAYBE took half an our to shave both legs. Soap and cheap dollar store razors. Works great.