By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester

Today, I shaved my legs for the first time in three weeks. It took half an hour, three disposable razors, and I cut my legs up so badly they look worse then they did when they were hairy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 973
You deserved it 32 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a Schick Quattro for women. Disposable razors are garbage.

insertnameherr 11

Wow.... that was..... way too much information I was expecting.


bocshi83 1

I use men razors...schick quattro...awesome blades...and they fit just fine with the female version of it for those you that like the battery operated trimmer dodad!

Serinar 5

Ouch! Try using an electric hair clipper on your legs before shaving. Might help bring down some wear and tear on the blades and save your skin.

First off, never buy disposable razors--they suck! I've actually found that I don't have to shave as often and I get a closer shave if I use the men's Quattro razors. Secondly, unless you were in two full leg casts, what would possess you to not shave your legs for 3 weeks? This just made me think about hairy legs and armpits! Leave the "feminist" stuff to Paula Cole and shave that junk!!

209 - She doesn't have to shave that often if she doesn't want to. Bugger off with your 'ideals'. Just because you think there's no reason doesn't mean there isn't; what happened to preference?

Historylover 0

I do the same thing, lol. I hate shaving my legs...

MsMeiriona 2

Damn, you must have been using some shit razors and no shaving cream. I generally only shave my legs once or twice a month, at most, because **** shaving, and it's never taken more than one razor.

Shaving sucks, but it has to be done regularly if it's something you want to keep up with at all. If you really hate it, consider waxing instead of trying a pulsed light hair removal system like the Tria.

Maybe if you'd shave more often you'd cut down on the time, then when you go a free weeks without shaving you wouldn't have to take as much time. Disposables suck.

Ugh, definitely use disposable razors when clearing up weeks of growth. I decided to come out of hibernation after a good three /months/, and I've gone through not a disposable razor, but a Schick Hydro 5, AND I'M ONLY ONE LEG DOWN. I stopped because it was too cold and the hot water ran out, and I've still got one leg to go. My god I am a goddamn werewolf. (Meanwhile, the hair on my head can't stop falling out)