By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester

Today, I shaved my legs for the first time in three weeks. It took half an hour, three disposable razors, and I cut my legs up so badly they look worse then they did when they were hairy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 972
You deserved it 32 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a Schick Quattro for women. Disposable razors are garbage.

insertnameherr 11

Wow.... that was..... way too much information I was expecting.


jayfreeman80 0

Serves you right for procrastinating!!! YDI

AClassActx3 7

Chewbacca* If you're going to insult someone, at least spell it right.

Seriously? are you a gorilla or something? because I can go months without shaving mine (I only do so for special occassions) and it only takes me one razor on two legs... Maybe you should think about waxing.

That's why when I go that long I need to break out the clippers and buzz the top layer

You could always give up shaving your legs like I did? The wind blowing through your leg hair feels AWESOME

kiraleann 16

Three razors for only three weeks worth of hair? You either bought really craptastic razors, or you were being incredibly wasteful.

Were you dry-shaving or something? Really, shaving shouldn't be that hard.