By kimm1993 - 03/08/2013 04:29 - United States - Chicago

Today, I showed the kids I was babysitting a picture of my daughter, and the little girl asked, "You have a baby in your belly?" I said, "No, she's not in my belly anymore," and the little girl replied, "But it's BIG," and patted my stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 701
You deserved it 8 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to follow through with that forgotten new year's resolution

Gotta love kids. They always speak their mind.


JAB9989 13

I swear kids are like little drunks when it comes to talking about things like that

Well she wasn't trying to be mean. Kids are honest and they don't always know how hurtful things may be. Brush it off or exercise to burn off the fat. Either way it'll be okay.

kids and their brutal honesty. don't hesitate on returning the favor so they learn to put a sock in it "yeah well your feet stink" status

hcollins1 18

You've never taken care of kids before I assume.

Chellybelly92 14

About time for her parents to have that talk about what might sound nice isn't always a nice thing to say. Also doesn't hurt to hit the gym now and then.

This is not a FML. You earned your stripes. Yeah you might have some excess fat to be shed but you're allowed to put your baby first and weight loss second, at least for a year.

Aw! Kids unfiltered mouths can be so honest!

If that kid is right and it bothers you that much, make a few changes in your life to make yourself feel good. If that kid is wrong and just spoke out of their innocence for not knowing any better, roll it off your shoulders OP.

Kids say the darnedest things. Upsetting, yet still funny!

The same thing happened to me last week haha and the kid was 2! Lol don't worry about it OP; in kids eyes we're all "big"