By kimm1993 - 03/08/2013 04:29 - United States - Chicago

Today, I showed the kids I was babysitting a picture of my daughter, and the little girl asked, "You have a baby in your belly?" I said, "No, she's not in my belly anymore," and the little girl replied, "But it's BIG," and patted my stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 701
You deserved it 8 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to follow through with that forgotten new year's resolution

Gotta love kids. They always speak their mind.


JoseIsAdork 31

don't sweat it, OP. weight doesn't make the woman, people come in all shapes, sizes and colors :) I'm a guy but have had insecurities with my weight because I surely don't have a flat belly, I got a little chub but it shouldn't be the defining reason for someone to think I'm handsome or not. kids don't usually think about how what they say might be hurtful even if its not intended.

ViviMage 39

So your daughter was born, a photo was taken, and she's back in your tummy? Kid logic!

I'm so happy you remember that FML. It must be the same girl..

sioux4 17

Sorry OP :( been there done that. I was babysitting a 2 yr old and a 13 month old and the 2 yr old said "baby?" & pointed at my stomach... I was even THAT fat. I was around 130lbs (I was 13 yrs old, def had not had a baby). How old was the kid? I wouldn't take it too personally. She's just a kid.

I had that happen to me too...I was babysitting some kids and the youngest asked if I was having a baby. I'm 17 and already know I have weight problems, but to have a kid think I was pregnant kinda hurts :/

WTF is up with all these "little kids calling me fat" FMLs? Seriously, they're kids, they don't know everything. If it really bothers you this much OP then how about heading to the gym and the next time you babysit them, they'll start calling you "stick".

That's a way of telling you that you should probably hit the gym.

you cant blame them, they say whats on their mind:( sorry about that no offense