By JohnMackSquirts - 19/03/2009 05:15 - United States
Same thing different taste
By fEk - 22/03/2019 09:00 - Australia
By Anonymous - 09/08/2018 20:30
By typical - 13/04/2013 23:49 - United States - Cheshire
By nackpattywhackgiveadogabone - 23/09/2010 11:01 - United States
Do a backflip!
By Anonymous - 22/02/2024 00:00 - Australia
By Devin - 21/06/2019 22:17
By Anonymous - 21/10/2014 15:49 - United States - Bedford
By Never Work With Animals or Children - 26/05/2012 11:06 - United States - Van Nuys
By Andrea Trevor - 30/04/2018 01:30
By sari14 - 11/02/2010 06:14 - United States
Top comments
#12: dude, thats hilarious. not that you're blind, but that you notice the difference.
I hope you go to hell :x
Todays youth at its finest.... You're a rather intelligent one aren't you. Why would you kick anything is someone elses house? and #13 you're an idiot trying to be funny and failing.
I'm going to pretend I'm blind and kick you full force in your nuts.
If the dog was sleeping curled up, it may have resembled a soccer ball to someone who can only see vague contours. Still, you're a dumbass for kicking stuff forcefully in someone else's house.
you idiot
LMFAO!! wish you had gotten that on vid
It isn't that stupid that you "play ball in the house". Anyone who really cares about that needs to lighten up. It is stupid that you weren't wearing your glasses, and decided to randomly kick something anyway (especially when you're obviously REALLY blind).
How terrible! But, honestly, you shouldn't be playing ball in the house. Didn't you're parents teach you anything?
Wasn't it moving or something? I was born legally blind and even I can tell the difference between a living thing and a soccer ball...