By JohnMackSquirts - 19/03/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, I slept over at my friend's house but forgot my glasses. When I woke up in the morning, I came out of his room and forcefully kicked what I thought was a soccer ball on the floor. Turns out it was his miniature poodle - it fell down a long flight of stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 975
You deserved it 115 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How terrible! But, honestly, you shouldn't be playing ball in the house. Didn't you're parents teach you anything?

Wasn't it moving or something? I was born legally blind and even I can tell the difference between a living thing and a soccer ball...


#12: dude, thats hilarious. not that you're blind, but that you notice the difference.

Todays youth at its finest.... You're a rather intelligent one aren't you. Why would you kick anything is someone elses house? and #13 you're an idiot trying to be funny and failing.

I'm going to pretend I'm blind and kick you full force in your nuts.

If the dog was sleeping curled up, it may have resembled a soccer ball to someone who can only see vague contours. Still, you're a dumbass for kicking stuff forcefully in someone else's house.

It isn't that stupid that you "play ball in the house". Anyone who really cares about that needs to lighten up. It is stupid that you weren't wearing your glasses, and decided to randomly kick something anyway (especially when you're obviously REALLY blind).

ejvlols 0
Upgrayedd 0

Wow if I did that there would only be one phrase good enough to say right there: Flawless Victory