By fs - 23/11/2013 23:45 - United States - Northfield

Today, I realized that no matter what I accomplish in life, I'll always be remembered for being the son of a woman so stupid that she claimed she used to be Elvis Presley's mistress. She was still an infant when he died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 424
You deserved it 3 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have an extra push to graduate, get a job and move out on your own ASAP, nobody has to know who your mom is and what she has done. On other hand, as long as she was a good mom to you, you should jot be embarrassed of her.


blackman100 20

Your mom sounds like a liar. Sucks for you OP.

On a cold Minnesota morning, another little baby child was born In the ghettoooo...

well I know the alleged son of Keano Revs son. He was so embarrassed of his mom he moved Provence .... maybe that will help?

I think we are missing something important here. Op's mother was an infant when she died. What.

OP's mother was an infant when Elvis died.

You have made an excellent deduction, sherlock!

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

70- Try that again but in English.

You have an extra push to graduate, get a job and move out on your own ASAP, nobody has to know who your mom is and what she has done. On other hand, as long as she was a good mom to you, you should jot be embarrassed of her.

Exactly, the sooner they move out the sooner they can make their own reputation, hopefully a better one! Maybe move to another city one day, if that is possible. Haha.

The_Big_Boss 20

I want what your mom is smoking

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I have some PCP laying around here somewhere if you're interested. Last time I toked on thee ol' wet I saw aliens outside of my window. They all looked like Shia Labeouf! Helluva a day I tell ya, hell of a day..

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

I wouldn't say she was stupid, but more along the lines of a habitual liar who believes other people are stupid enough to believe her stories.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

I'm going to start using that... "Thread jacking dickface" has a nice ring to it. Lol

\ 28

Well you got the "habitual liar" part right, but I don't know about the "thread-jacking dickface..."

TheCaramelKing 11

Either your moms a ******* lunatic, or your not much younger than her...

No my comment was asking who she might have said was OP's father. If she claimed to be Elvis's mistress, then OP's dad may have been claimed as Babe Ruth or someone. As for 11's comment, I realized that, hence my reaction...

23lf 16

Op's mom has to be at least 13 years older than her

I'm sorry, OP. Your mother's faults at lying shouldn't be held against you.