By ThatAintLogical - 18/12/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I slipped as I was about to take a shower, knocking myself out cold. I woke up to someone banging on my door. It was a cop checking to see if I was okay. When I asked how he knew to come, he said he was notified by "a male neighbor who called anonymously." I guess I have a peeping Tom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 200
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not an fml he could have saved ur life dummy......^^^^^^ creepy name dude

DreMaMa 0

The guy basically saved your life. TY PEEPING TOM! I wish I had one.


Erniesduck123 0

If you do indeed have a peeping Tom I think it is incredibly weird you have a window through which you can see yourself in the shower, and you do not cover it with blinds or something.

I think op would invest in something now?

When you didn't answer you cell I had to call the cops. Glad to SEE you're OK!

perdix 29

He was trying to turn you in for ending your show too soon.

when some1 hurts you, dont feel bad because its the law of nature that 'the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones.

NewJoisey 0

sorry i was so worried when i saw you fall. i waited atleast 5 mins to see if youd get up. i called the cops in tears i thought id lose my baby.

EveryDayJackAss 0

well i guess here both sides kinda win....even though the OP doesn't realize shit

jstunna345 0

UMMMMMMMM maybe he heard you fall and decided to be a nice neighbor and call the cops after he repeatedly knocked on your door, but you were passed out and woudnt remember that