By crabmunch15 - 09/09/2012 05:38 - United States - Victorville

Today, I snuck out to go see my girlfriend. When I got to her house, I left my bike out front and we went on a nice walk around the block. We passed a homeless-looking woman going the opposite way. About ten minutes later, the same woman passed us, on my bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 886
You deserved it 10 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

Why didn't you lock your bike? YDI in so many ways.


stephhrunsaway 21

See, horny teens who have sex without locking the door or when the parents "aren't home"? He snuck in to see his gf and take a walk with her. That's an option, too.

Oh, I thought "a nice walk around the block" was a euphemism for sex.

Never leave your bike anywhere without a lock. EVER. YDI

Now the two of you can go in so many more nice walks, call it a win.

Ooooh! I bet the karma people are loving this! Sneak out and break rules? Boom!

Wait?How old are you? Like 12?? Who rides a bike to see there GF?

redmane 21

People who like to ride a bike and see their significant others. I ride my longboard to see my boyfriend even though I could take public transportation. What is the harm in getting a little exercise? Bikes aren't just for little kids. There are sports that involve intense bike skills.

There are so many reasons for riding a bike. Maybe they are too young to drive. Maybe they are old enough, but don't have a license for other reasons. Maybe they have a license, but not their own car. Maybe they live where there is no 24 hour public transport. Think before you assume.

iBiteRoses 22

Hey, douchebag, not only are bikes good for exercise and the environment, but a lot of people on the west coast ride bikes, because it's the easiest way to get places. Also, not everyone can drive a Hummer like you, twat.

Dude, learn to type. Clearly you're so much more adult that you could afford to.

I woulda close lined her for my bike back!!!!!! Why u no have backbone lol