By Donutsarelife - 19/11/2014 15:09 - United States

Today, I spent 20 minutes arguing with the class dipshit, trying to convince her that wifi hot-spots are not in fact saunas powered by wifi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 078
You deserved it 3 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP someyimes you just can't cure stupidity

ShadowlessSpear 21


Sorry for the YDI, but if you are knowingly arguing with the class Dipshit, you get what you deserve

Marcella1016 31

Sounds like she was definitely trolling OP. Doesn't make her less of an asshole if she was, but yeah...some people argue about dumb shit just for fun to see how long they can keep up the argument. You got trolled, OP.

technically they actually heat up their surroundings.. but you would need a loooooot of hotspots to power even the light in the sauna (half a thousand more or less)

Do you mean hot spots on the earth? because this woman actually believed the saunas ran on WiFi??? how in the. .? ? ughh! a hot spot (or sauna) powering that seems more reasonable.. but I'd highly doubt anyone would waste the time and effort to power something in that manner.

each wifi hotspot transmits with 100 mW (legal limit Germany). say you'd be able to transmit everything they emit straight into a bulb without any transmission losses, you'd need 500 of them for a 50 W light bulb

Never fight with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

Twenty minutes?? Lol, at what point there did you realize it was a losing battle? For your sake hopefully waaaay earlier than minute 19:55ish.

dumb blonds like that are on a new level of dumbass

I think it was Einstein who said "Never argue with stupid people, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

You must be a dip shit as well to feel the need to argue about something so trivial for a whole 20 minutes

If that gets invented someone needs go find away to give me a good signal for wifi as well that will probably hog most of it

YDI. Idiots can't be reasoned with because they can't think in a logical way. Its best to just tell them they're stupid and then walk away.