By AnRom - 17/12/2009 09:58 - United States

Today, I spent five minutes trying to kill a spider with my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 608
You deserved it 43 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even wizards need to mutter a spell, you know...


The force is weak in you, my young padawan Why the F would you want to try to kill a spider with your mind xD

the men who stared at goats couldn't do it and you have a lesser chance if possible. try to kill it with something you do have.

Mirandy 0

lol how awesome :) I can imagine what your reaction would be if it worked


I officially love you, I'd ask you to marry me but im really not into the whole woman/woman thing. Shame, isnt it?

you and your Soul. Mate. could still get married in your waldo shaped fort while wearing harry potter snuggies with your awesome family. It would be the Best. Day. Ever. for you and the quiet kid who says "thats what she said" without skipping a beat.