By AnRom - 17/12/2009 09:58 - United States

Today, I spent five minutes trying to kill a spider with my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 608
You deserved it 43 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even wizards need to mutter a spell, you know...


hunter989 0

That's because that's not the Force you're feeling - it's constipation, especially of the mental variety.

xxreikoxx 31

The FML staff must have been pretty close to falling to the ground in absolute hysterics when they let this one get published. Either that, or they felt bad for the OP's stupidity. OP, what are you, blonde?

In Soviet Russia, Queen Spider stomps you. Yes, I know you said Spider Queen, but it's more authoritative when a royal title is mentioned first (like my username).

thinmint 0

Thank you for wasting 30 seconds of my time.

(sighs) I nearly fought that damn Chicken of Bristol. If only I hadn't wet myself...

insanecadet 0

and then you wasted a few more doing something more pointless