By AnRom - 17/12/2009 09:58 - United States

Today, I spent five minutes trying to kill a spider with my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 608
You deserved it 43 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even wizards need to mutter a spell, you know...


xxreikoxx 31 idiots followed me to this lame FML.

First off, we are not on the bridge overlapping the Gorge of Eternal Peril, so I can safely say that I don't the answer to that ques... WAAAAAAH!! (launches about 30 feet into the air and hits the ground with a loud thud).

AntiChrist7 0

Could you from now try to kill yourself with your mind?

I use my mind to kill spiders all the time... it helps me raise my stomping foot.

"All of you in the room who can use telekinesis, raise my right right."

edit: was supposed to say, "...right hand." I need more coke...

I'm currently looking at pictures of two camels going at it, so yeah, it went up...

Well, then how did this video of wrestling midgets get across my screen?

**** you guys why you have to kill spiders? just leave your windows open for 10 min and they'll go away!!

I kill them because I have aracniphobia. With my very... very... long pole...

Use the force my girl, use the power of the force

zoeeeeee 0