By anonymous - 03/02/2011 05:05 - United States

Today, I spent nearly an hour thawing out my car and driving to work in this stupid freezing rain, only to find out that I'm now unemployed due to budget cuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 026
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh dear...if it's not one thing it's another. Good luck finding another job soon, darling!~ Finding and keeping a job seems to have become an epic quest for everyone lately...

Freezing rain is amazing! I've only seen it once or twice but freezing rain is liquid rain that freezes when it hits the ground. It's rare and incredibly hazardous but it does happen. It forms a sheet of solid ice over everything amazingly quickly. It's very interesting from a scientific point of view - very pure water can be super-cooled below freezing point without turning solid if there is nothing to seed it. It then freezes on contact, shock etc. Try putting a new, unopened, bottle of water in the freezer for about an hour (your mileage may vary). It will come out liquid but if you bang it on the counter it will freeze instantly - you have just created bottled freezing rain!


I know that, but you'd think that in 2 years he could've found something. Probably not his dreamjob, probably not worlds greatest paycheck, but nonetheless a job.

the real fml here is that you live in Ohio, I think. their state unemployment is quite high. good luck looking!

I know a few people who've been rejected by Wal-Mart, darling. Wal-Mart.... a step down from fast food chains. Something's not quite right here, and I really don't think it's the job seekers.

don't b too upset, u will find a new job soon! :)

SeedlessMe 13

No, sorry sir- you fail. Watch the news. Especially the part about the weather. You know, where they call it freezing rain. There is such a thing, and no, it's not the same as hail.

SeedlessMe 13

That really sucks OP. This weather is no fun.. and fighting through it to find you no longer have a job, well that's just really shitty... Good luck!

perdix 29

Well, you are going to need your car today, so thawing it out wasn't in vain. You could either drive to the unemployment office or torch your former workplace and ********** as that ************ burns to the ground.

Privations_fml 3

That sucks, I'm sorry. Hope you find work soon.