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By Username - 01/01/2011 23:21 - United States

Today, I spent the first day of the New Year helping out at an old folks' home. I was assigned to watch over a group which includes the delightful Ernie, an 83 year-old delusional man who sees absolutely no problem with showing off "what the good lord gave him" every chance he gets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 725
You deserved it 3 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he's showing off his wit and sense of humor? Or is he showing off his character, honor, and integrity? What's the problem here? I don't understand.


So he's showing off his wit and sense of humor? Or is he showing off his character, honor, and integrity? What's the problem here? I don't understand.

iknowimawesome 13
blondeandhot 0

obviously not if he still likes to "show off what the lord gave him"

He shows off the beautiful voice the Lord gave him to sing praise!

ThatLooksSticky 16

Now we all know DocBastard's real name and age - Earnie, 83.

Sticky - I hope I still have the wherewithal when I'm 83 to show off my glory.

lol I love demented old people. I was at a nursing home to visit my grandfather and an old lady grabbed me by the arm and whispered 'the code is YA2EK2' in my ear. I then whispered back 'gotcha. I'll call in gamma squad while you distract the general' and she said 'ok' and told me good luck. xDDDDD

RedPillSucks 31

A little too generic to be an FML.

Yes yes, but how is your comment any better?

FreshSalad 1

I like your new picture, Sirin. Reminds me of a salad I had in purgatory.

Has this happened to you? No? Oh yeah.. SO generic. Happens everyday.

Hollisterbabe11 0

it's called HIPPA violation! you put a patients name on a website! just FYI and get over it. I work in a hospital and see it all the time. it's pretty interesting what patients will do. live a little

sallen0046 4

A first name for a patient in an "old folks home" in the state of California is not a HIPPA violation. OP did not give a last name, a facility name, or even a town name. It's not even remotely specific enough to violate patient rights nor does it provide any protected health information.

jtbh2012 0

yea. it does. it has their name

First of all, it's HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), not HIPPA. It's not a ******* hippopotamus. Second, this could be construed as a HIPAA violation since the spelling of the man's name (assuming it's the correct spelling) is unusual and OP included his age, part of his medical history (dementia), and state of residence. This could theoretically make it much easier to figure out who he is. I have no idea WHY anyone would want to look him up just to see old Earnie's junk, but that may just be my bias.

chillinAK 9

Thank you Doc. I seriously hate when people misspell HIPAA for some odd reason. Hopefully this I a fake name, since even volunteers must go through privacy classes. Eh.

Well I'm certainly glad nobody violated a hippopotamus, Doc. That sounds dangerous.

ThatLooksSticky 16

A HIPAA violation occurs when more than one patient identifier is exposed. Technically, since the name of the patient and his age are listed, it IS a violation. One could argue, however, that the lack of a last name means this is NOT a violation. Let's cross our fingers and hope the OP's employer or one of Earnie's family members do not frequent this site.

whatyotalkinbout 0

Earnie is a real person? I thought that every FML was just made up by bored people.

RedPillSucks 31

Common Doc, it was much more interesting when it was a Hippo violation. I'd pay to see that.

FreshSalad 1

If my math is correct... ChillinAK had a kid when she was 15... practice safe sex everyone and remember always use a condiment on a salad.

just because ernie got old doesnt mean you have to call him out on fml, bert.

BahahahLOL 0

lol nice. MY TURN! :D I get nothin' but head, Beavis.

DaveOnDope 4

you can't call him out because of two balls anyway. it's the strikes that matter.

JizzKhalifa 0

would this be the same "Ernie" of adult flash toon fame? sorry but I don't believe this.

Th mn jst wnts bj! mb f gv hm n h'll stf nd whn 'r dn wth hm cld cm bck t m hs nd gv m n **ssmng r grl f crs :D

Dude, you're like 12 years old. Go ask your dead granny to read you a story instead of wasting space on FML.

Just for fun, I'm going to run this through my Idiot-English translation engine to see what comes out. "This man just wants a better job! My boyfriend will give him one, and he'll stay friendly. And when we're done with him, he could come back to my house and give me a Nintendo! Assuming our grill flares of course!" Wow. I think we were all being a little harsh on Gab there. It turns out his message wasn't obscene at all. I'm glad we were able to work this out amicably.

jkwanx88x 0

I think when he said "bj" I think he meant something else instead of better job lol

whatyotalkinbout 0

what the **** is wrong with you?