By Slash - 16/06/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I sprained my wrist playing Guitar Hero. The ER doctor called all of his coworkers in to hear my story. They all laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 104

Top comments

Zer0de 0

Haha wow. You rocked too hard

yme 0

sprained it on easy, that's y they laughed


I dunno, I mean, if you're playing expert for the first time, your hand does get tired. Spraining your wrist might be tricky, but anything can happen. FYL for sure.

This is not a YDI. I'm pretty sure this violates patient-doctor condifentiality in some way.

I can totally relate. When Rock Band came out, I played through the entire drum career in one sitting. I ended up with a slipped disk and ended up having to get back surgery half a year later after nothing else worked. After telling one doctor how it happened, I stopped telling them about the game and instead stuck with "I have no idea."

Makinitez 0

YDI. Why couldn't you have broken your wrist playing REAL guitar? You aren't hardcore at all man. What has this world come down to?

snowbordnelephnt 0

while guitar hero may have been made before rockband, rockband was made by the same 2 guys. you can't make a ripoff of your own product also people need to learn to spell

How the **** did you do that "Baby Wrists"? Seriously, where you playing in the hallway, then slipped and fell down the stairs? Drink some milk, eat a ******* vitamin.

Good job, I have yet to play so much that I have hurt myself. Sorry people laughed at you. Totally wrong.

thelonelylurker 0

And what a great story it is! Be happy that you were able to bring smiles into an otherwise stressful day of health-care workers!

lol his name is slash... that's funny...

Dude, never, ever be ashamed for anything to do with guitar hero!!! EVER!!!