By Slash - 16/06/2009 16:43 - United States
Top comments
I dunno, I mean, if you're playing expert for the first time, your hand does get tired. Spraining your wrist might be tricky, but anything can happen. FYL for sure.
This is not a YDI. I'm pretty sure this violates patient-doctor condifentiality in some way.
I can totally relate. When Rock Band came out, I played through the entire drum career in one sitting. I ended up with a slipped disk and ended up having to get back surgery half a year later after nothing else worked. After telling one doctor how it happened, I stopped telling them about the game and instead stuck with "I have no idea."
How the **** did you do that "Baby Wrists"? Seriously, where you playing in the hallway, then slipped and fell down the stairs? Drink some milk, eat a ******* vitamin.
Good job, I have yet to play so much that I have hurt myself. Sorry people laughed at you. Totally wrong.
lol his name is slash... that's funny...
Dude, never, ever be ashamed for anything to do with guitar hero!!! EVER!!!

Haha wow. You rocked too hard
sprained it on easy, that's y they laughed