By cheeseless - 11/08/2016 20:47 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I sprained my wrist while trying to grate a block of frozen cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 487
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That does not sound like a gouda time, I bet you're feeling pretty bleu

Try putting some cold/frozen on it! Or maybe not...


Try putting some cold/frozen on it! Or maybe not...

That does not sound like a gouda time, I bet you're feeling pretty bleu

tantanpanda 26

^it doesn't have to be. It was amusing since it wasn't an overused pun and had at least some thought put into it.

Read "I sprained my wrist while..." and thought this was going in a totally different direction.

I'm assuming there was a reason, you couldn't wait for the cheese to melt, if that's one of the questions.

TheLostCauseFML 40

Cheese.. Wisconsin.. hmm. Fate? Sorry OP.

xoxoblondee 31

That doesn't sound grate at all!

Cheese is a dairy product and it can be frozen to keep it fresh. My family buys cheese in bulk and freezes what we don't need.

Stiggy626 25

Yeah but let it thaw first. kinda stupid to do it frozen

Kinda funny considering you're from Wisconsin. But seriously, hope the damage wasn't too bad and you are doing ok

Can you explain the Wisconsin and cheese link? I think it's the cheese that's the link here anyway...

bfeller728 8

Wisconsin is a cheese making state stereotypically and realistically