By Aliiiice - 16/07/2013 13:18 - France - Offranville

Today, I started doing it again. I'd given up for years, but when I saw the pack I just couldn't help myself. One taste was enough to make me finish off the whole pack. Nobody knows that I've fallen off the wagon and I'm so ashamed of myself. Today, I began eating my cat's biscuits again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 678
You deserved it 35 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShananaginsLOL 13

I love the way you worded that.

Oh, now THIS is an FML I'd like to see a comic for.


crisanba 18

Nice monologue you had me praying you didn't die of lung cancer but instead you got the lighten scent of cat food on your breathe

Do yoy have that great of phone reception

I know what you mean. I just can't stop thinking about how moist and soft my fetish can be. All I think about is, "when can it happen again?".. I could really use a two-bite Brownie.

I saw a show about a woman who did that and it's really bad for u. They put cancerous meats in there n stuff. Please stop for ur own health. But some HUMAN cookies. The show I saw the woman ate Temptations

gloooooria 14

That's not only in cat food but in human food as well.

Admitting you need help is the first step, OP.

AtomicDiamond87 15

So how does the cat in the hat feel?

Tbh I thought u were talking about smoking at first lol

perdix 29

Doesn't that piss off your cat? Anyways, you've made me feel better about my peanut butter addiction. Hell, at least it's human food!

graceinsheepwear 33

Nothing like a man with peanut butter breath.

I can eat half a jar in a sitting. It pisses my wife off something fierce.

perdix 29

#67, my dad used to eat it with his fingers. Of course, he kept a personal jar next to his recliner, and the rest of the family used a separate sanitary jar. Luckily, I've found the Jif individual cups to slow down my PB frenzies.

They are biscuits and definitely harmless. Eat away my friend. Plus I am sure they are other people that do the same. I.e shaggy in scooby doo lol

dontgivafuk 9

deep rooted emotional shit.