By Aliiiice - 16/07/2013 13:18 - France - Offranville

Today, I started doing it again. I'd given up for years, but when I saw the pack I just couldn't help myself. One taste was enough to make me finish off the whole pack. Nobody knows that I've fallen off the wagon and I'm so ashamed of myself. Today, I began eating my cat's biscuits again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 678
You deserved it 35 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShananaginsLOL 13

I love the way you worded that.

Oh, now THIS is an FML I'd like to see a comic for.


well at least its not smoking :) I'm struggling to quit that too!

Confused77 3

As Tony The Tiger would say, "They'rrre Great!!!!"

graceinsheepwear 33

When I was in grade school, my teenage aunt made me eat a dog biscuit, but they were those Milkbone ones with 6 flavors or so, and she let me pick my poison. (I went with milk flavor.) She also left me on the roof with comic books once, but that's a different FML.

I know the feeling, my friend made me eat a milk bone while waiting outside the school in 8th grade.

oh shit i thought u were.talking about cigarettes

If you keep eating them then they must taste good, my sister is addicted to milk-bones that you give to dogs. I see nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn't harm your health, all it is is a little embarrassing. If you really don't want to be eating them, find someone to help you. You can't kick a habit without help and support.

I ate milk bones when I was 3/4yrs old. I wouldn't eat them now.

Am I the only who though dog biscuits?

Trust me its probably better to eat the cat treats then the food. I don't trust the smell of the dry or wet food.