By bron92 - 21/03/2009 04:07 - United States
bron92 tells us more.
Thanks everyone, haters and all. Let me clear some things up for yall. 1) i did pass, but when i was out of the pool i was GASSED 2) the woman was in pretty damn good shape. I didnt mean to be sexist or ageist. 3) my football team was 11-2. The Ennis Lions, if you wanna check im #64. We were 1 game short of state (loss to rockwall heath) 4) Im not the typical "athlete". I had a pink mohawk in the summer, I listen to no rap and all alternative, I HAVE PINK AND BLACK VANS FOR GODS SAKE. 5) This will surprise you. I'm 6'2 and 230lbs (6% body fat). An offensive lineman, thats why i had some problems. I didn't mean to come off as a jerk, or a "dumb jock",and I actually did somewhat prepare for this test. I had a friend who is a lifeguard teach me and have me swim but I guess it wasn't enough. And, yes, I RESPECT ALL YOU SWIMMERS NOW! haha I learned the hard way
Top comments
There are 10 types of fitness that get measured. I don't expect that you are actually unfit in any way, but the other people probably just focused on the areas you didn't - which are probably the areas they measured. It's not like you lost to an elderly obese man, you lost to somebody who likely swims as a sport everyday.
Working out in the gym etc is good but remember muscle sinks
@119 Really because I'm ripped and my muscle doesn't slow me down... It's all about leg strength and experience in water, you have to be strong and a good swimmer. If you really want this job just play water polo for a few weeks and you'll learn the basics of lifting heavy things out of the water.
Maybe you're not unfit, even if we take into consideration what #1 said: Your muscles probably have a lot of lactate from all the work you're doing, so your performance was brought down.
swimmings a very had sport, especially if you don't swim everyday.
i event(a style of horseback riding), play soccer, run x/c, and lift weights. i can't swim more than two laps before i'm panting and feeling pathetic, so i know what you mean. :X
Ya I play hockey, football and I can barely swim, the chances are is that you use different parts of your muscles in swimming the you do in other sports so your not as physically fit for that specific sport
Yea, well I play checkers, monopoly, and tic-tac-toe. All competitively, and I can only swim with floaties.
I don't know what kind of fitness test this is, but if it's for Lifeguard Training, I'd guess swimming is involved. In which case, I don't care if you're the fittest guy in the world, if you can't swim, you're no good.
Did you pass the test though? Its a bit hard to put it in context. I agree with #1. :)
lol if you can't beat the time in swimming, then why even show up?
Well he did know he couldn't until he took the test so why not show up? Smh.
its the 500 right? dont feel bad not everybody can get in the pool and swim 20 laps and feel fine
Lol, I'm a fat ass and I can swim 2 kilometers in an hour, it takes lots of training to actually swim.
I can't run a kilometer without feeling like vomiting, but in other ways I'm fit. Also, my country's representative to the olympics as a marathon runner was a 58 year old man. It wasn't out of pity, the guy can run really well. he can probably kick anyone's ass. somehow age doesn't influence as much as people think. 44 years is not that old.
even the best swimmers can't do the 500 without feeling like their going to pass out. I've been swimming forever, and I'd rather do a sprint 100 than a 500. you just gotta remember to pace yourself with that one. not go all out for the first 100 and die for the rest. and I agree with #9. 44 isn't old at all. and swimming uses almost all of your muscles, whereas the stuff you've been doing only uses particular muscles. that's also probably your problem.

There are 10 types of fitness that get measured. I don't expect that you are actually unfit in any way, but the other people probably just focused on the areas you didn't - which are probably the areas they measured. It's not like you lost to an elderly obese man, you lost to somebody who likely swims as a sport everyday.
I don't know what kind of fitness test this is, but if it's for Lifeguard Training, I'd guess swimming is involved. In which case, I don't care if you're the fittest guy in the world, if you can't swim, you're no good.