By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money. At the end of my shift, I ask what we do with the extra bread, and they tell me to throw it away. Being poor and hungry, I decide to take the bread home. I got fired for stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 448
You deserved it 10 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked if you could have it.

You should've asked first. Some places have very strict policies about things like that, but they may have said yes if you had asked. Technically, you WERE stealing.


Improbability 0

Oh yeah, YDI. I worked in a store that sells a bit of food (no joke, it was mostly home decor stuff, no idea why Jelly Bellys count as decor) and we would have to mark out candy if it was past its expiration or damaged (opened). I asked if I could take some home, (Do Jelly Bellys really go bad?) but no. The reason? It looks fishy and management/corporate doesn't know the difference between it legitamately needing written out, or you were writing it out for a freebee. I would assume restaurants would have similar rules, and "because people would purposely make too much in order to take some home" is a pretty darn good reason. This guy obviously had no clue, which sucks, but doesn't excuse not asking first. That's just common sense. You don't do anything at a job if you don't know for sure its okay, and you certainly don't make assumptions. Because retail/food service requires a whole new type of thinking. One thing I learned in 8 years of retail: the "crazy" or "silly" rules, procedures and things companies do are usually not crazy or silly at all. (#1 reason everyone should work retail or food service at some point in their lifes.)

theshinepolice 0

you know a few things of bread and a "don't do it again, because now you know it's wrong, or you're fired." i believe would cost less than paying him for the whole week for nothing, but you know, if you like your stale bread that much guess there's no messing with it. they do have to pay him for a week if they fired him, right? thats what i think, but im not much of a business buff. too young.

Uhm, well, it seems to me that ur not poor, since you have a computer with internet to post this

because no library ever offers FREE internet access to the public.

i got fired once for telling my boss a joke about how i was drunk, because she kept persisting i was. i really wasnt.

Sorry to hear this, tho I can't help but agree with others that you should've asked first. I work at supermarket and our boss allows to take the leftover bread home. Every grocery got their own rules. So ask first next time >_

Being fired over something like this is ridiculous, regardless of policy. Especially for a first time offense. Verbally reprimanding him would have made LOTS more sense than the action taken, so the manager in question is a douchebag, regardless of policy.

Do you work at Tesco? Cause I do, and we get the same treatment XD

FYL. There are only 2 jobs you should ever steal from McDonalds - The slippery when wet signs Bank Teller - Nuff said ;)