By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money. At the end of my shift, I ask what we do with the extra bread, and they tell me to throw it away. Being poor and hungry, I decide to take the bread home. I got fired for stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 448
You deserved it 10 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked if you could have it.

You should've asked first. Some places have very strict policies about things like that, but they may have said yes if you had asked. Technically, you WERE stealing.


SizzlePink 4

thats stupid if they were just going to throw it away omg people these days

People don't realize just how much perfectly good food we throw away.

It wouldn't hurt if you haved ask them first

AssassinBug 15

At last, Valjean, we see each other plain and flatbread and wheat and honey oat and cheese and herbs and sourdough!

never hurts to asked the worst they could say is no

Thats why you ******* ASK for it you idiot. For ***** sake, usually they will be good about it since it means they don't go to waste.

Wow, some people have lost all common sense and compassion. That's just dump, they should have asked why you took and upon receiving the explanation should have given you the bread on regular basis. Also it is very ignorant to throw away food, given there's so many people who are hungry.