By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money. At the end of my shift, I ask what we do with the extra bread, and they tell me to throw it away. Being poor and hungry, I decide to take the bread home. I got fired for stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 455
You deserved it 10 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked if you could have it.

You should've asked first. Some places have very strict policies about things like that, but they may have said yes if you had asked. Technically, you WERE stealing.


xmagster 0

you have to wait untill it's put into the dumpster before you can take it... But yeah, that definitely sucks. FYL, but you should have asked or gotten it out of the dumpster.

You shouldn't have gotten fired. If they told you to throw it out then it wouldn't have mattered if you took it home (its pretty much like throwing it out but someone gets to actually use it). I work a Panera and we have the same policy about bread but everyone takes food home.

sp1fey 0

I automatically thought Jean Valjean too. Somebody I knew once stole a loaf of bread and I called her Valjean but she didn't get the allusion.

On your first day, you were probably on a trial shift to see if you were suitable. You stole on your first day, so no, you're not suitable.

Obviously they don't want you to have it without paying for it. That's just getting free bread, even if it was going to the trash anyway. Gotta think like corporations.

mina_8 0

You know, keeping your job probably would have solved that "poor and hungry" problem ;P

It is comforting to know that 98% of posters on this FML understand what was wrong with OP's actions. Interestingly, that correlates well with the other 2% of the US population who are in jail, who cannot figure it out.

Can't wait to see all you far-right capitalist poodles who love putting business profit before the common man when the EU, China and India all overtake you as the main economies in the world. Maybe then you might realise that all of America's wealth is just paper and speculation and your gold reserve counts for nothing anymore. Maybe then you will waken up to just how brainwashed of a society you have become and are in a similar position to the OP. Oh, how I will laugh. The clock is ticking...

I am not going to hold my breath, seeing as China and India cannot feed their own population, and have not overtaken anyone in 5,000 years. If the US goes bankrupt, China is screwed, not us. But they do have nuclear weapons.

doof_fisch 2

I worked as a baker at a Perkins Restaurant. The rule was that if a pie was more than two days old - it got tossed. Almost every night I had at least 3 or 4 pies to throw away, as well as cookies, brownies, etc. Since I worked from 2am to 8am, I would smuggle them out back to my car trunk about 4 in the morning - since the manager was not there at that time. I would then rendezvous with a pastor friend who would take the baked goods and give them to the poor. Perkins also has a rule that if the meat portioned out in the cooler is more than two days old - it must get tossed out. I smuggled out some of that food, too. I knew that if i had asked, the answer would have been no, so I just felt it was worth the risk of losing my job - to help others. Which is the worse sin: taking food destined for the dumpster and giving it away - - OR --- throwing perfectly good food away?

@ #144 Which is the worse Sin? Taking food destinded for the dumpster, as its 1 of the 10 Commandments, ya know, Thou shalt not steal? Would have thought someone who is as clearly religous as you are could have figured that one out. Not that i condone what you do, just a stupid question to end on.

doof_fisch 2

I don't disagree that it was breaking the Thou Shalt Not Steal Commandment; but I also think it was in line with keeping one of the two greatest commandments: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. As I said, I was willing to take the risk in getting fired for doing something I thought was humanitarian and not wasteful. I also occasionally put quarters in other people's expired parking meters - which is against the law, too. I guess one could consider that "stealing" from the city government.