By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money. At the end of my shift, I ask what we do with the extra bread, and they tell me to throw it away. Being poor and hungry, I decide to take the bread home. I got fired for stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 448
You deserved it 10 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked if you could have it.

You should've asked first. Some places have very strict policies about things like that, but they may have said yes if you had asked. Technically, you WERE stealing.


It's a damn shame how much food gets wasted every day in restaurants and supermarkets.

Rules are rules. People like you usually end up costing us law abiding taxpayers bukoo bucks sitting behind bars because you can not follow directions. Theft is theft!

zach055 23

Once something is thrown in a trash receptacle it becomes public domain. So, had you put the bread in the garbage then taken it out, it would have been yours. Why should the fact that it never reach the garbage can be a problem. You should sue for wrongful termination.

Legally trash is no longer property, take the bread, put it in a CLEAN trash bag, take it out the back door, and mark it with something you can see, put a twist tie or piece of tape on the bag. Then when you leave, wait across the street or something and take the trash bag, which, because it is in a trash receptical for collection, is no longer property, and take it home. It was in a double bag... still perfectly safe.

Guys at places near me do this for the homeless people cause they feel bad throwing the food out, but giving it directly to them after the period when it's supposed to be served exposes them to liability. However, if they take it from a clean trash bag... the stuff is fine but it's at their own risk rather than that of the store.

Varies by state but the supreme court did. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 361, 88 S.Ct. 507, 516, 19 L.Ed.2d 576 (1967)

There is the caveat that the garbage must be on public property, which happens to be true where I live because the garbage for these specific places is in a dumpster which is shared and is on the street.

shopfitch 7

Most major companies do this. It's nothing new.

Since they told you to throw it out i dont see how its stealing since by throwing it out there disowning the bread