By Anonymous - 15/06/2014 00:34 - Canada - Nanaimo

Today, I started my job as a driving instructor. My first client showed up piss drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 219
You deserved it 4 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a type a job that's kinda scary but it can be really good. You can help people out with their struggle and you also get really good insurance. Down fall death.


The scary part about this is, if this guy was dumb enough to show up drunk to get his license, you just know if he hadn't been intoxicated and had passed his test, he would be driving drunk. It's actually probably a better thing that he showed up drunk. Now he doesn't have a license and the likelyhood of him driving around blitzed is drastically lower. Though, if he's this dumb, he will probably try to drive without a license, anyways...

Wrll atleast you could tell him to go away and have an easy day without work

Looks like you're the remedial driving instructor. Stand and teach them to deliver fast food. ;)

1dvs_bstd 41

that's how you end up creating a driver that asks "what seems to be the officer, problem?" refuse to teach him, many more clients will roll in.

Sankethkeith 2

hopfully u dint let him drive dat would b wise of u and yea ATB wid u r job OP!

I could probably understand what you're trying to say after reading your comment three more times, but no one should have to. Use full words, please. Ur nt txtin

You should tell him that happy hour isn't until 5:00, and he needs to come back later.

paramor3 23

Silver get an unexpected break until the next student! Lol