By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I started petting my cousin's Doberman. Now, whenever I stop he growls menacingly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 855
You deserved it 5 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to hump him so he understands who's in charge

Slowly add distance by sticking a prosthetic hand on an extendable pole.


That's scary as hell. And I literally laughed out loud at #1s comment

I would've called the owner over or shoved a toy in his mouth...

doglover100 28

Quickly get up and grab a toy.

My german shepherd does the same thing. When guests pet her she's fine but when they stop she barks at them.

Dobermans are my favorite dog. Hence my name.