By Anonymous - 09/02/2018 14:00 - United Kingdom - Poole

Today, I started a part-time job at a nursery. One of the kids asked me if I was single, so I explained to her that I am with another woman. My boss fired me on the spot for "acting inappropriately". FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 486
You deserved it 1 284

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That is discrimination and illegal in the UK I believe. They asked, you answered. It isn't like you said you had sex. You were not even pushing your view on them, you were just being honest. I wonder if your boss would have reacted that way if you'd been in a heterosexual relationship..

How is it inappropriate to tell them about your partner if they ask whether you have one?


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How is it inappropriate to tell them about your partner if they ask whether you have one?

Many parents will see it as inappropriate. And it is highly unprofessional to mention your dating habits at all to children, straight or not. It doesn't matter if they asked. You tell them it is none of their concern, like a professional. Honestly I can see another reason to fire her: unprofessional behavior.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Being gay isn't inapropriate. It was, but that was in the previous millenia...

magnificentbastd 5

How is it inappropriate a girl just asked and OP just said no I'm dating a girl and then the girl was probably like you can do that! And OP probably said something around ya girls and girls and guys and guys can marry. It would be inappropriate if she started talking about sex and stuff but I don't think she said anything wrong🐍

The_candyman 13

why is it tricky? kid asked if she was single it's a yes or no question why she giving details that were not asked about? Maybe the conversation did continue but that changes it if so.

Koios 30

You never cease to amaze me with your comments on social issues, Mynxie

Suaria 38

How is that inappropriate? Straight people talk about their spouses or people they are dating to kids quite often. Not in graphic detail of course. It is the same way with gay people.

There is NOTHING inappropriate about a woman telling a child who has asked if she’s single that she has a girlfriend. The homophobic response from the boss is the inappropriate behaviour.

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your comments are consistently ignorant and embarassing, we're finding

Its not a big deal, the child probably didnt think twice about it but a grown person had to get offended, be an ass and discriminate.

That is discrimination and illegal in the UK I believe. They asked, you answered. It isn't like you said you had sex. You were not even pushing your view on them, you were just being honest. I wonder if your boss would have reacted that way if you'd been in a heterosexual relationship..

I believe it may be because OP said ‘another’ but the girl only asked if op was single so i guess the boss could have interpreted it as inappropriate for thinking that far or smthn idfk tbh i agree that op did not deserve firing tho

Hey, you know what they say. You always have to seem available when you're on the job.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

I am a woman, with another woman, and I work at a VERY Christian grocery store in the good ol' American bible belt. I don't let that take me down, and I still am very open about it (all of my coworkers know I'm gay). I'm so grateful to work in a place that keeps me employed, despite my sexuality (another former manager was also LGBT, though I'm not sure exactly what). I am so sorry for you. I would DEFINITELY try to at least scare your former boss into realizing that he can't just fire you for your personal life. You didn't mentally scar that child forever, and discrimination like that is very illegal. But still, I would go look for another job. I, myself, wouldn't want to work with such a homophobic asshole.

At least the boss protected those kids from catching gayness. Except it doesn’t work that way...

PoorPhoneNinja 8

best thing to do is not give a fuckaroni

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Which only accentuates the taboo of being gay. Why should it be hidden? That's like telling a feminazi you're really a girl so she doesn't shame you for having a dick. This argument just assists anti-gay asshats to further shun regular people for having a relationship with someone I'd the same gender

unintended_consequence 5

That's the difference, you put it out there. Most of us just say yes or no. The "hiding" it part is in your head. I"m a straight male and I wouldn't say "yes, with a woman" WHO DOES THAT?

"That's like telling a feminazi you're really a girl so she doesn't shame you for having a dick." Wtf?

I had an old roommate who bought a condo in LA with his settlement money after being fired for being gay and he had proof of it. Just saying.

GoogieWithers 22

A bit harsh for explaining that you are in a relationship but does the company ban talk of all relationships outside work or just yours? Read your contract and if nothing is mentioned then seek the advice of a solicitor.

where i agree it was a huge over reaction on their part. I'm sure some of the children's parents would also over react to their kids being introduced to that without their consent. But saying that, you were asked if you were single, all you had to reply was no. I dont feel the need to answer, I'm in a relationship with a woman. A relationship is a relationship.

If she said 'yes, I have a boyfriend/husband' no one would care

you are correct, nor did i say what they did was right. All i said was, she was asked if she was single. Simply replying no would of answered the question. A relationship is a relationship and shouldn't need to be justified in the answer.