By sillygoose - 14/12/2009 03:53 - Canada
Top comments
i love back chocolate
@3... how do you feel about butt chocolate?
is your name, by any chance, fat basterd?
He probably takes showers, but doesn't wash his back (often).
ya? maybe tried scratching at it a little? or do u never shower so that it wouldnt come off?
And? Lmao you just noticed it there then why would not try to see what it was by yourself?
One word, two syllables- shower
Your doctor: 'I don't get paid enough for this'.
you didn't shower from what I assume 1-3 days? pretty gross
Boom!?! Edit:: This was supposed to be in reply to #1
hahaha op your username amused me.
Ok, so, one would assume you probably made your doctor's appointment three or four days ago (I've never come across a doctor who can fit you in that day or even the following day unless you're really sick)... have you not showered in all that time? And would you not poke at, prod, rub the mark to sus it out?
here you can pretty much show up at a clinic and get an appointment with a doctor the same day, unless we're talking a doctor who specialises in a specific thing.
@49 yes, because all people who need to see a doctor are chocolate-wearing weirdos.
Called a walk-in clinic. Even family/personal doctors can often fit you in same day.
THANK YOU!! I can't beieve my tax dollars go towards morons like this!
My doctor can get me in the same day or the next day usually. Sometimes they have cancellations.

This is only a FML if you ate it afterward.
Your doctor: 'I don't get paid enough for this'.