By JulieKid - 04/05/2009 17:19 - United States

Today, I stepped out of my car and slipped on a fresh coating of ice on the ground. I tried to catch myself by grabbing the car on my way down, but unfortunately, I was trying to grab with the hand that was holding my car keys. I key-scratched my own car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 527
You deserved it 7 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chasing_adalia 0

Okay, let me explain it. The OP started to slip on ice, and tried to prevent herself from falling by grabbing the car. Unfortunately, the hand that was grabbing the car had the car keys in that. This means that the OP, when making grabbing motions, effectively scratched her car with the keys, causing a "keyed car" effect. OP fell and damaged her paint job. And other hemispheres have winter at different times than others, so it's possible for the OP to be somewhere snowy.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Except Iowa is in the northern hemisphere. Lol.


dr_house_MD 0
dr_house_MD 0

62, for your information, i am from missouri so dont jump to conclusions. im simply informing my less-than-intelligent countrymen that there are other nations besides america

Thank GOD some other people noticed this mentions ice in May. Faaake.

dr_house_MD 0

66, how dumb are you. May is late fall-early winter in the the southern hemisphere

#66... you know in the southern hemisphere, seasons are opposite than in the northern hemisphere. go educate yourself.

This person lives in Iowa, NOT the southern hemisphere. Look at the bottom of the story, near where her name is. There is no ice on the ground in Iowa in May. I live in Iowa, and there was no ice at all during May. Nor was there ice anywhere else in Iowa. So either this is fake, or the OP was talking about a story that happened months ago, in which case it's not "Today."

This is retarded. This person could have made the account today and remembered what happened before. Calm down and stop freaking that the dates are messed up. Take a breather. it was funny

JoHan55_fml 7

you ******* noob, it's called getting 'keyed' not 'key scratched'