By Ouch - 22/05/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, as I was closing my car door, I realized I had left the keys in the ignition. Not wanting to lock myself out, I reached to stop the door from closing. Not only did I scream when the door slammed on my hand, but in my furious pain, I leaned on the door, locking my keys inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 440
You deserved it 13 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks... you must have a really old car or something, most modern cars won't lock the driver's door if the key is in the ignition.

How does that mean he got them? could have posted from mobile or got towed home...


Sounds very painfull, hope you're ok

ohrlynao 0

"not only did I screamed" ...really?

The FML moderaters werent paying much attention it seems

That sucks... you must have a really old car or something, most modern cars won't lock the driver's door if the key is in the ignition.


Wait you don;'t have two sets of keys..most cars have 2 sets. "hey i left my keys in my cars" "So?" "Can you stop by my house/dorm and brab my keys" " Yah sure" And besides that fact you are posting this means you got them.

How does that mean he got them? could have posted from mobile or got towed home...

maggie_gxx 0

hahahahah this is funny. sounds exactly like something i would do!

My mom once locked the keys in the car once. AND LEFT THE CAR ON. Only difference is she didn't hit her hand. But either way, we had to wait about half an hour for my dad to come all the way from work to unlock the car. Blah. Well, anyway, that really sucks. I hope you had copies of the key! that's what I call an EPIC FAIL.