By jezusflowers - 07/05/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I stopped at a red light. I noticed the car in front of me had their reverse lights on. I thought to myself, "Meh, that person must know. They wouldn't do that." The light turned green. Turns out they didn't. Nor did they have insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 915
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HelloSeattle 0

Holy shit man, someone needs to go back to driving school.

fuckmyl1f333 0

Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.


neworleanz9thwd 0

I hope you got out and beat his ass...

SirLagALot 0

#15: Not if they're automatic. I've seen some drivers put their car into park at red lights. Looks like they missed the extra notch going from R to P.

wow that really sucks. how can someone put their car in reverse and not know it at a stop light?! driving is all about trust. you have to trust everyone else on the road not to be stupid. but they are people. which most of them are stupid. #25 most people don't keep their foot on the break when it is in park, thats the whole reason for putting it in park. and even if they did think it was in park, they would still have to shit into drive to go anywhere. there is a chance he was a bigger idiot than we all think and was trying to hit you and trying to make it look like you rear ended him. but without insurance is what makes him even more stupid.

@#15, no, in the car I drive, reverse is to the left of the 1st and you don't even have to depress or lift the gearstick, just push it a little harder. So yeah, it happened to me to - I stopped at a light and thought i'd put it in the 1st, but it was actually in reverse. Fortunately, I noticed the car wasn't going in the direction i wanted it to soon enough and hit the brake :)

wonderwolf 0

it's possible the person had gone out to far in the intersection when they stopped and then reversed to make sure they wouldn't get hit by passing traffic, and then forgotten to shift back into drive. either way, that really sucks D:

The_Lone_One 0

#22 is right. There are some people who would do that on purpose. It's one of the reasons in the 5% range of it not being your fault when you hit the rear of another car. The problem is that if the car in front of you turns off their reverse light, it's your word against their word unless someone stops to act as witness that they reversed into you and that's pretty unlikely.

What's funny is I came about 3 inches from this happening to me. The guys in front were having sex or something and didn't pay attention at all. I wish he did hit me I would have been laughing. It's a FML for you and a YDI for him.

I'd sue for the damages, but thats just me

poolshark 0

#27 said "shit into drive". I'm just saying...

makeitglow 0

lol @ 33. nice catch sorry about your luck OP!