By jezusflowers - 07/05/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I stopped at a red light. I noticed the car in front of me had their reverse lights on. I thought to myself, "Meh, that person must know. They wouldn't do that." The light turned green. Turns out they didn't. Nor did they have insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 915
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HelloSeattle 0

Holy shit man, someone needs to go back to driving school.

fuckmyl1f333 0

Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.


It's not your problem that they have no insurance. Make them pay.

couragewolf9001 0

#44 I'm with you there. Idiocy is the leading cause for dumb shit.

Mooshki 0

The cops in my city don't give a crap if someone's driving uninsured. It pisses me off. I know three people who have had accidents with uninsured drivers, and since we're a "no fault" state, their insurance paid, and the bad drivers got away scott free. One guy ran a stop sign & hit a friend on a bike, badly cutting up his face, and the cops just let him drive away.

If he didn't have insurance, doesn't he still have to pay you? It's illegal to drive without insurance, so I would assume so.

xelectrickiss 0

rofl @ #3. spidey senses... hhhaha tough luck, people suck. :( i probably wouldve just started laughing cause you practically called it.

There is a submission in the moderator bin that gives this story from the no insurance-reverse at stop light driver view.

I just don't understand why people put their cars in reverse. I don't think I've ever seen it happen. Anyways, that person was beyond irresponsible. They crash into like an idiot - and don't even have insurance! That's illegal on its own, so...ya know. This person's in huuuuuge trouble!

I've had that happen before. It's ridiculous.