By jezusflowers - 07/05/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I stopped at a red light. I noticed the car in front of me had their reverse lights on. I thought to myself, "Meh, that person must know. They wouldn't do that." The light turned green. Turns out they didn't. Nor did they have insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 915
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HelloSeattle 0

Holy shit man, someone needs to go back to driving school.

fuckmyl1f333 0

Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.


cinderelly 0

they should have pointed and clicked.

Truan_fml 0

...please tell me you were smart enough to get a police report you can sue that shit for all they're worth

cartering 0

You do realize that failing to avoid an accident - which your entry says you did, is a citable offense, right?

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

srslyfucked 0

I almost did that once... backed into someone at an intersection, that is.

summergirl 0

#5 it's not illegal to drive without insurance, you just have to pay an "uninsured fee". so basically you're paying for having no insurance.

carli0128 0

i love that you just said meh.

Well your insurance will cover your car. So you don't need to worry.

Ryu148 0

#68, most of the time if you're stopped at a red light you're surrounded by cars. How was he supposed to prevent this accident, back into the car behind him?

christopherlove 0

Learn to drive defensively. I've seen people sitting with their reverse lights on at red lights, and I'm smart enough to not get too close to them, but keep a car length between us. YDI

He may not have noticed the backup lights were on until he got behind the person. Though I'm a little confused why he didn't just beep his horn.