By jezusflowers - 07/05/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I stopped at a red light. I noticed the car in front of me had their reverse lights on. I thought to myself, "Meh, that person must know. They wouldn't do that." The light turned green. Turns out they didn't. Nor did they have insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 915
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HelloSeattle 0

Holy shit man, someone needs to go back to driving school.

fuckmyl1f333 0

Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.


I hate people like that. And yes, I hope you called the cops on his/her ass! Next time though trust your judgement and give the idiot more room to **** their own car up without ******* yours too.

Isn't reverse on the opposite side of the gears than 1st, which I assume most people use when leaving lights?

vw's have the reverse top left. and most cars are automatic here.

grazynaanka 0

Ok you should have beeped your horn or something to let them know you were behind them. If they have the reverse lights on, chances are they are probably going to do that. Anyways, FYL. That sucks. Sue em. Lol.

Yooouuuch dude. The worst part about your situation is the , "oh no that couldn't happen, that'd be too ridiculous" feeling...Then Lo and Behold, Stupidity once again doesn't fail to astound as you watch that shit come at you from a mile away...Sure it'll iron itself out over time(and much headache); but good luck.

Drivers like those really need to pay attention as they drive. No insurance likely meant a stolen vehicle. Hope the guy gets his license provoked.

ViviMage 38

Dude, FYL. I hope you called the cops on that idiot's ass.

some people are just HORRIBLE drivers. and there's always the lovely people who flip you off when you get a little too close for their comfort. oh goodness. I hope your car will be fixed soon!

FYL, but consider yourself lucky. Some people would make a HUGE fuss over it... and try to sue you... or get money out of you... and basically make it your fault. How did that guy even get a license?!