By littlemisstiny - 29/08/2009 08:48 - Ireland

Today, I swapped seats with someone on a ferry so she could sit next to her friend. Minutes later, a child sitting behind me threw up on my head, while the girl I had swapped with and her friend laughed hysterically as I attempted to wipe the puke from my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 796
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch! You were kind enough to swap places and this is how she pays you back. I hate people like that.

ugh. I hate it when kids puke. Espically on airplanes.


Brvnczy 0
twistedstixx2 5

that lady obviously knew u would get puked on. U got trolled big time...

As previously suggested wipe your hair on the girl you swapped with shirt and laugh.

jocelynelise 4
OhhhMaryy 12

how ******* rude! you should've socked that girl in the face! Her and her friend. (;

Reason why not to be nice to people #136532688764468

Personally i would have said 'too bad. Take another flight next time'