By Anonymous - 12/09/2013 05:18 - United States

Today, I taught my kid how to mow the lawn. It's a self-propelling mower so it's easy to handle. My kid thought it would be smart to tie the handle down so that he wouldn't have to push it at all. This resulted in the lawn mower blasting through our fence and sinking into my neighbor's pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 938
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Points for innovative thinking! F on thinking it through first!!!

At least he was trying to be creative in his laziness!


You gotta admit he is pretty genius not much kids can come up with that! I mean of course it wouldn't work out but I wouldn't have even been able to think of that XD

wrong. a push mower can't ''bust down'' a fence

the kids a genius... he was simply attempting to mow two laws at once. thus gaining a profit from the neighbor and allowance from you... he juat has to work that fence kink out

Passive-aggressive FTL, buy him a reel-type mower and tell him he has to use that.

Typical for this young Slacker generation. Find one of those push mowers with rotating blades and he can use that now for the rest of the mowing season.

streetriots 9

I feel like this FML should've come before the guys wife ******* the guy mowing their lawn. Then the FML about the divorce marriage counselor.

How old is your kid? And please tell me you gave him some sort of discipline. That's dangerous and lazy, not to mention stupid. Kids these days...

You know what they say, lazy people work double.

ingram450 3

I'm sure a lawn mower would go through your fence but I like your creative thinking