By embarrassed - 21/12/2009 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I texted my Dad to tell him I'm staying at my boyfriend's house and won't be home. Since I had predictive text on, my phone didn't quite get the word 'home' - the message I sent said, 'I'm staying at Will's, I'll not be good tonight.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 320
You deserved it 29 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhm not gunna lie I had to read this FML a good couple times until I understood it. I found you worded it oddly. Maybe its just me.. ahah


for those who didn't understand, the numbers used for home also spell the word good. op, got a good laugh at this one. dad will laugh too, right?

I sure her hope her dad finds it funny. I know mine wouldnt. xD

Learn to edit what you write from now on - or at least glance through it quickly. It is never too late to build up such editing skills because you will need it sooner or later in life.

You soooooooo deserved it, T9 is a probability-based predictive system, not a mind-reading software. Also, I don't know what all the hassle is about - your dad probably laughed a bit, but the text didn't tell him anything he wouldn't deduce from the intended one.

JustAReaderOfFml 4


'I'm staying at Will's, I'll not be home tonight.' - Was that the text you wanted to send? Perfect wording :')

This happens to me all the time - although usually I realise it says the wrong word before I send it.

perdix 29

It's scary how predictive text doesn't just fix the words, it knows the future! I'm sure your dad didn't need to know that you are a lousy lay, and your boyfriend isn't so happy that he had to find out the hard way.