By Bruja5 - 07/02/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I thought about my boyfriend and all the things we used to do together years ago. Today, I also spent the day doing my now husband's laundry and watching him sit on the couch with his hand inside his underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 385
You deserved it 6 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tb15 0

from strictly the FML, your life does not sound F'd. You can't expect relationships to be filled with passionate romance every day.

This is quite frankly the worst thread I've ever seen.


Me and my girlfriend both sit at the computer with our hands in our pants cause its warm. it's also mildly comforting. edit: not doing anything, just there because its warm

LOL sounds like my Dad. My parents are still happily married because Dad still helps Mum alot so maybe there's hope for ya=]


I'd leave were u. like hell I'd deal with shit

so either they watch a lot of married with children, or peg is venting her rage about al on the internet

Think about it, he's probably looking back at you and thinking about how hot u were and all the sex you had, and instead seeing some old bitch complaining about her present-day life.

And he's probably thinking about all the hot sex his gf used to give him, and is now looking at some old bitch who complains about how the "romance" left their marriage, despite it being her own fault.

lickme89 3

Are those even the same ppl...plz telll me that it is...

you probably refuse to have sex with him everytime he asks....women are all the same...