By jodibut - 06/02/2012 16:18 - United States

By jodibut - 06/02/2012 16:18 - United States
By Rejection - 04/05/2010 07:33 - France
By Anonymous - 26/10/2020 19:58
By love you too honey boo - 13/01/2020 05:00
By "BunnysKitty" - 15/09/2017 23:15
By Diet_Water - 14/02/2016 05:01 - United States - Moreno Valley
By denise - 23/11/2009 05:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/08/2014 21:05 - Israel
By eeelise5296 - 01/03/2012 20:39 - United States
By Not-so-sexy - 04/12/2009 12:48 - United States
By McKenna - 16/07/2011 04:10 - United States
Sub-zero cold..,
Guess he doesn't like dirty pictures...
66 worst comment
105 - I've seen worse, but that doesn't mean yours is any better then his for that matter... Or mine, since I'm technically reprimanding you.
maybe it was too dirty for him
That is because you are a dirty girl;)
No, left.
What retards!!
If you find it disgusting when your girlfriend wears your shirt, maybe you shouldn't be together..
Hey, he's trying to get two birds with one stone!...
^he only did that because he knows she's dirty for sending those pictures
It's was probley dirty in the first place.
Next time go nude, nothing to wash
Less is more!
45 - it's not the length of the train that matters, but how much of the tunnel it fills!!
but if the tunnel can't feel your tiny caboose, then there is something wrong. and that's when the conductor wonders if it's his train, or the massive cave that's been plowed by other, more masculine trains is the issue. and if the cave is small and draped with cobwebs and the cave still can't feel you, then boy you're shit outta luck.
But wouldn't the train's length determine how much of the tunnel it fills up.... Ohhhhhhh. We're not talking about trains, are we?
He would say "Take a shower please" :)
48 win!
It could have been worse, he could have told you to make a sandwich.
or some epic waffles.
She should've already have had a sandwich made.
Don't ever, compare my name, with blue waffles. If you ever do this again, i'll know, and next time, i will eat, YOUR ******* LIMBS!
^ Calm own man.
Lol 'epic blue waffles' is ur new name
#151, it was a reference to a youtube video and to the guy above me, there is no way blue waffles can be epic, sorry for crushing your hopes and dreams):
#165 the arrow in the knee one? XD
Oh hell yea xD
If he didn't appreciate the pictures, I would :D ps I am not a creeper
Seems legit
Pfft yes I'm sure...want some candy?!? ????
Yeah sounds like not a creeper to me. (sarcasm)
Uhmmm hold on lemme check my van!
Almond Joy for me #27 and you got me :P
I think any time you have to say your not a kreeper normally means you are lol
#6, Good, because I hate when creepers sneak up on me and blow up my house in Minecraft. :)
You have any Popsicles?!
Hey 65 , can I have some of that chocolate in those hands, considering you're offering it to everyone.
i would thumb you up, but you're already at 69 and i don't wanna be the asshole to ruin that. and i totally agree, i'd take a woman who was up for sending me some naughty pics.
Omfg yesssss XD
hey, you know, if everyone had that attitude there wouldn't be any couples left. plus, some people never know how to react to something like that so they make a joke. god help your future boyfriends if they have a sense of humor and say something mean for a joke
If it wasn't a joke.... then there IS a problem in the relationship. You should want your SO to be happy. Op tried to do something nice for her BF, by sending him sexual pictures. That shows a willing participant in the sexual side of their relationship, which is healthy to want your SO to find you attractive and sexually appealing. The fact the boyfriend did not do anything to encourage her to continue being open with him means that there is a problem in some aspect of the relationship. Even saying, "I don't think sending me sexual pictures is approrpriate" would have been better because it meant there was some sort of conversation going on. Not just knocking her down a peg by making her feel ugly and dismissing her attempts at sexual advancing of the relationship.
longest comment ever
You must not be on FML much lol. There are much longer comments!
94, I understand where you're coming from but as many people say on every fml, we don't know the story. her boyfriend could be a joker, she might have known he was joking, like I said previously he may not know how to respond so a nervous reaction kicks in. just because op has posted this doesn't mean they aren't in love or don't have good times, doesn't even mean he makes a joke every time she sends a picture. I send my boyfriend photos often and he'll make a joke about one or two and I'll laugh it off cus I know he does appreciate them and that he does find attractive.
Maybe he didn't want to smell like perfume.
121 The teen top song About cheating.......?
He was only reacting the same way you would if he wore one of your T-shirts and panties while trying to look sexy! :)
It was supposed to.
Nothing wrong with some good ol' fashioned cross dressing.
Next time go nude, nothing to wash
Sub-zero cold..,