By Anonymous - 04/03/2012 22:20 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By lingadoo - 07/12/2012 05:46 - Kuwait - Kuwait
By DisgustingCreatures - 04/08/2016 18:53 - United States - Houston
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia
By spiderwoman - 04/11/2012 17:12 - Iceland - Reykjav
By Anonymous - 29/03/2018 19:30 - United States - Stamford
By Anonymous - 05/06/2017 22:00
Sticky situation
By Anonymous - 24/07/2022 06:00
Hello little dude
By Anonymous - 19/05/2012 22:54 - United States
By what if I'm being eaten from the inside out? oh my god - 05/04/2013 18:51 - Singapore - Singapore
By funyfunkid - 22/12/2009 19:18 - United States
Top comments
That is so terrible! I could not even imagine. :(
Really? Cause I can, and it's pretty damn hilarious.
I love how this was written XD
46- it's not "******** yourself" if your on the toilet with the full intention to let out
It reminds me if the black and white movie with the giant ants invading…Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Ew!! That gross.
OP's exquisite vocabulary is the reason I got out of bed today.
Lol I'm on the toilet now and I could not resist checking to see if there were any bugs below.
I know this is stupid, but what does YDI and OP stand for
You Deserve It and Original Poster
I would of literally shit myself lol
103-But doesn't it remind you of it??
You Dumb Idiot, and Odd People
53 - there is a lot of people thumbing you down but you do make a valid point..
Oh I already knew what ydi meant but I always thought op was other person i know stupid but I wouldn't know what else it'd be
i probably wouldve been pissing and got it everywhere getting them off of me
as a heads up if you got Qs about youre better off going to google youll get trolled with random words and "go to google"s
113- don't listen to the stupid commenters friend it stands for Yuma death institute and orbital penis ^_^
take a dump on the ants
Kill it with fire!
He also gives an offering of liquid gold as soon as he wakes up.
Your offering didn't please the porcelain throne.
You pic made my day
^ creep
Well good, that's the point of wording it that way
Apology accepted?
1. Make me laugh 2. U have the best birthday ever
I love the wording to this FML! "My daily offer of turd on the porcelain throne..."
The ants emerged.. Very visual you should be a writter!
Anyone else feel a tingle on their leg while reading this FML?
It's just so poetic... :)
They were coming to collect the offering.
Pfft, turd? The gods demand blood!!!
^ Speechless!!!!!
Really? Because her pic has me running to hide my $1 bills
wait blood from anywhere? or the poopshoot?
They were just coming to make their offering as well, no need to be frightened!
I would freak out as well.
I guess 3 of you cuz OP freaked out to
Af least OP didn't drop their phone in
85- I thought that's what the FML was going to about when I first started reading it..
*Epic Announcer Voice* Just when you thought it was safe to sit on the "Porcelain Throne" Duh Duh Duh!
If the log rolls over we'll all be dead.
That song was the first thing I thought of. HAHAHA.
At least ants are mostly harmless, it could of been worse. O.O
Unless they are fire ants
Or cockroaches ..
or velvet ants or least thats what we called em in oaklahoma. ******* stings were apparently so terrible youd be on your knees instantly

Daily offering of turd? Hahaha. Sorry, but that made my day.
They were coming to collect the offering.