By GothicAngel17 - 19/05/2012 11:05 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I thought I felt my baby kicking for the first time. After excitedly exclaiming this fact to the few people around me, I involuntarily let out the loudest fart. Not the baby kicking, just gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 703
You deserved it 4 362

GothicAngel17 tells us more.

57- well you seem to have quite a good memory, ha. I've gotta say I'm thankful that the morning sickness has subsided so I don't have to drop everything and run for the toilet or for fresh air (except on a Saturday for some reason). Now I'm just gassy it would seem. Oh joy. And forgetful. Speaking of which I just remembered I put eggs on the stove to boil a while ago and forgot about them so now I have to go D:

Top comments

mhopper 13

It's ok. When you're pregnant you get away with more stuff like that! :)


kirrra 11

op, don't you worry, as many have said, you're allowed these mistakes when pregnant,and when that baby does kick you will fall in love with it, enjoy its first few months,they go by to quickly.

Sounds like your baby kicked the shit out of you

I don't like when op's actually comment on their own FML's.

mhopper 13

84- Well boo hoo. Other people enjoy it when an OP comments on his/her own FML. Plus, the OP gets a nice pointless badge for doing it. If you don't like it, try maybe not reading the comments instead of whinging like a bitch.

SexiMamita91 3

That happens. I thought I had gas when felt my baby kick for the first time. Lol

I have the same problem. But I just look pregnant.

U have to admit that it was pretty damn funny tho

Supernovas_Child 13

Aww! It's so cute that you got so excited! Despite the fact that it was a false

Maybe the babe did kick. And it triggered the gas. I know my brother and I used to kick our mother in the bladder.

moonmoon 5

You deserve that for thinking people around you care about you parasite