By GothicAngel17 - 19/05/2012 11:05 - Australia - Brisbane
GothicAngel17 tells us more.
57- well you seem to have quite a good memory, ha. I've gotta say I'm thankful that the morning sickness has subsided so I don't have to drop everything and run for the toilet or for fresh air (except on a Saturday for some reason). Now I'm just gassy it would seem. Oh joy. And forgetful. Speaking of which I just remembered I put eggs on the stove to boil a while ago and forgot about them so now I have to go D:
Top comments
Sounds like your baby kicked the shit out of you
Yup they trick you for a while :)
I don't like when op's actually comment on their own FML's.
84- Well boo hoo. Other people enjoy it when an OP comments on his/her own FML. Plus, the OP gets a nice pointless badge for doing it. If you don't like it, try maybe not reading the comments instead of whinging like a bitch.
I have the same problem. But I just look pregnant.
U have to admit that it was pretty damn funny tho
Maybe the babe did kick. And it triggered the gas. I know my brother and I used to kick our mother in the bladder.
It's ok. When you're pregnant you get away with more stuff like that! :)
Close enough?