By GuitarChick42 - 04/04/2009 18:15 - United States

Today, I thought I heard my little sister playing on my brand new grand piano. Angry, I ran downstairs to stop her. My parents were having sex. On my piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 321 585
You deserved it 23 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy to wait until no one else is home before screwing somewhere where anyone could just walk in!

abcdefghijklmno_fml 0


wickedsick 0

Are you serious?? HAHAHAH.

Ethan205 0

Being a musician and knowing how protective I am of new pieces of equipment, to see something like that what suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

omg 17 your awesome, but seriously dude, that hella sucks.

Say it to your sister, she'll probably never play on the piano again.

I once had a theory professor who was talking about the deterioration of music: "You could have two people ******* on top of a piano and they could call it a love song." We thought it was funny then, but that REALLY REALLY sucks for you. I'd tell them they better replace it with a Steinway kept in decent shape....or else you'll never EVER play again.

Jester4545 0

Yes, if I had walked in on that I'd probably have interrupted their little session... That poor, poor, piano.

valuemeal2 1

Ugh, I can't stand when people disrespect musical instruments like that. That's no way to treat an expensive instrument.